10 Questions for Decoding Your Data
IBM Illuminate knows that you want to do more with your data. But getting there requires preparation and understanding where you are on the data maturity journey. Find out whether your business is in the initial phases of AI readiness or if you're getting close to the AI implementation phase. Ask yourself the 10 questions below and start decoding your data.
The AI Challenge in Numbers
Where is our data located? Is it across clouds, on prem, or both?
Can we tap into all of our data?
Is our data from different silos?
Do we have a clean, holistic view our data?
How much time are we spending chasing down our data?
What is the quality of our data: is it from a known, trusted source?
Are we able to monetize our data and get an accurate, timely view of our stakeholders' needs?
Have we collected and organized our data?
Have we ensured that our data is accurate?
Have we analyzed and presented our data, so that it's fully ready for AI implementation?
Want further guidance on the AI solutions that can help you unleash the power of your data? Get it here.